Atlantic forest
The region’s great living entity, an impressive natural monument, the Atlantic Forest or Atlantic Forest, is one of the wonders of the Vale do Café. The experience in it is an imperative. A fantastic biome, an indescribable experience of living a magical and green universe, out of time, for a few hours.
From a distance you can see an extremely dense massif. For those who enter, on the hilltops there is more air, in the valleys and slopes, the proportions increase and intertwine. Lianas, trees, trees, palm trees, undergrowth, leaves, lichens, fungi, bromeliads, even coffee trees forgotten in the forest, everything creates an exquisite green fabric.
Seeking energy from trees in forest baths can also be a healing experience. Proven balance activity for the human body, and prescribed by Japanese public health since 1998: a 20-minute walk in the Forest is able to regulate blood sugar levels, pressure, stress and more.
Parks, gardens and farms, bush guides who know the specks, trails, paths, even roads totally flanked by large expanses of forest offer you this incredible experience.
Note: around our star, the Atlantic Forest, many stories. To keep important knowledge, the peoples of the forest created a beautiful mythology that permeates Brazilian culture to this day, and is worth knowing.