useful tips

useful tips

What clothes should I take? When packing, think about: 

  • comfortable walking shoes. 
  • long pants and blouses to enter the Atlantic forest and to have comfort in cooling temperatures at the end of the  day. 
  • a summer light coat is prudent. In winter bring your heavy coat, it can cool up to 4 celsius. 
  • boots are used by everyone in the Valley, for fields, woods, and earth roads that with rain, take on a cream consistency. It is worth bringing at least one. 
  • hats help in the constant outdoors. 
  • there is a beautiful elegance in the Vale do Café. Sophistication is part of everyday life here, even with great simplicity. 


  • Bring repellent. 
  • If you come in winter, a skin cream and protective lipstick are advisable. The valley has a much drier air than in the city of Rio de Janeiro. 


  • Purchase a basket, or a cloth shopping bag. Plastic is not welcome in Vale do Café. 
  • Bring your ecological bottle for water. 


  • Print your itinerary, or download to your cell phone. Often the electronic sign in the region is non-existent, and signage, as in large, more isolated areas, is not around every corner. 
  • In the case of foreign currency, make money exchange at the airport or in large urban centers before arriving here. 
  • If you don’t speak Portuguese, look for a translator who speaks your language. The Vale do Café is still a well-kept secret of the locals.
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