Pet Friendly

Pet Friendly
Vale do Café, um santuário cultural e natural do Brasil. 100% Pet Friendly.

We know how challenging it can be to travel when we have a member of the family with four legs. But we want him to be part of that moment, which can bring wonderful experiences!

Vale do Café is the right destination for this charming happy visitors.

Sítio Amazoel is a world of affection for your stroll and has lots of nature, lakes, trails and possibilities of acommodation.

Pousada Nova Gironda warmly welcomes your dog.

Uaná Etê is a beautiful walk with lots of lawns and possibilities for fun.

There you can go to the bistro and do the extended visitation experience overnight.

Le Vélo Montagne, a charming restaurant with outdoor tables, by the Javary Lake is a great option, after exercising around the water mirror.

The Church of Sacra Familia  accepts pets in its masses, and usually receives with joy these special loving beings, who know how to accompany us like no one else.

These are great programs in places that are 100% Pet Friendly.

Consult the interactive map to organize an unforgettable tour in the company of your best friend!

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