habits and costumes

habits and costumes
Costumes e tradicionais da Região do Vale do Café!

Picturesque habits and costumes go from speech to dress and make your trip a succession of interesting details. Here are some peculiar examples:

The Rezadeiras: Religious syncretism between indigenous peoples and the Catholic religion, the tradition of praying is very strong in Vale do Café.  Prayers and prayers heal with prayer and herbs. Shake your rue sprigs with water, and bless. They know magic words and thus, fallen spines, body aches, diseases go one by one being overcome by prayers. They also pray animals bitten by snakes, insects, being largely responsible for releasing large crops pests such as caterpillars and locusts, ridding oxen of bernes…

Spider Webs: Spider webs are considered lucky signs. They appear in the houses daily as if by magic. Many Vale residents do not remove their webs. They are sacred.

Hammocks: Habit of our indigenous ancestors, perpetuated here. It is difficult to find a house without a hammock, usually on the balcony, to rest or sleep.

The habit of coffee: More than anywhere, coffee is central. The second question of who arrives at a home after an “how are you?” It is generally: “is there a strained coffee there?”

Greetings and interjections in the Vale do Café: In the countryside, when meeting someone, the greeting will rarely be good morning, and yes: “ôooa, ôopa.” It can be accompanied by a short hat removal, with one hand, upwards. “Compadre” and “comadre” are common treatments.

When they see something curious or strange, the locals exclaim: “Ê-ê!”

The greeting asking for blessing: “blessing!” it is often accompanied by kissing the hand, not only from relatives, but from older people in general. Upon arriving at someone’s home: “licença” (Excuse-me)!

Subsistence: Even today, in language, the habit of exchanging is still ingrained – instead of buying, the verb used most of the time is (a) to panhar: “panhei” this horse for me. I carved this car for myself … remnants of a time without money, when the exchange, or the direct subsistence of the forest did not require purchase.

The backyard: little yard with flowers, vegetable garden, herbs and fruit tree are important keys to independence. They teach that those who plant have something to eat. Fishing: a bamboo and a line, ready. A worldwide art of patience and silence, which brings together indigenous, Portuguese and African culture. Private areas and dams that are 500 meters away from rivers and springs provide fishing for varieties introduced throughout the year. But if you want to fish in a river, see the species protection legislation. It is important to note the Piracema and Defeso period in the Paraíba do Sul Basin, which runs from November 1st to February 28th.

The fire and the wood stove: heat and light, the fire in the yard, the fire in the stove. Vale do Café is outdoor life. Few fireplaces, but the fire in the yard, and the stove on the porch and in the kitchen, yes.

The bow and arrow: tradition inherited from our indigenous people. Groups of sport archers are spread across the valley. It is a very popular sport in the region.

The horse: Kiss the horse: to make the horse go faster, make the sound of a kiss.

Comitivas: Groups of riders get together for long horseback rides, this entourages are very popular.

The stories: Causes Counters. (Causos) You will find several. Worth a prose around the campfire.

Flower pots: the simplest and most elaborate houses use flower pots.

Use of herbs: teas, plasters, tinctures, foot baths. The pharmacy is first of all in the yard and in the forest.

Information collected in the field: Mônica Fazio, Rosemeire Maia, Maria Célia de Souza Costa, Waldelino Cazuza

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